Down To Hell

Bosorské sólo

Text: Lubo Müller
Hudba: Kani, Mirec,Lubo
Ang. preklad: Marián Žáček

starého hradu v horách
vyvoláva v ľuďoch strach

Vždy, keď je noc
úplne bezmesačná
sťahujú sa
nad hradom čierne mračná

Žiadny človek netuší však, čo sa tam vtedy deje
každý mesiac počas novu, hora sa rozochveje.
Trinásť bleskov vždy tam udrie a pritom nezaprší
tak isto aj dnes tam bude stretnutie čiernych duší

Túto noc však len dvanásť bleskov udrelo
Dvanásť tvárí ticho na seba hľadelo

sa tu dnes dvanásť stretlo
pri ohnisku
hradby zalialo svetlo

z pomedzi nich chýbala
Takáto vec
sa často nestávala

Ani jedna z čarodejníc nebola prekvapená
dopočuli sa, že pani ich bola upálená.
Pretože ju niekto zradil, zhorela na hranici
na kolená zrazili ju cirkevní služobníci.

Dámy v čiernom príliš dlho nesmútili
o jej miesto do hádky sa hneď pustili

Z hradu sa šíria strašné zvuky
Strigy k oblohe zdvihli ruky
Kliatby po sebe nahlas kričia
Okolo seba všetko ničia
Plamene horu pohltili
všetko živé už zahubili
Hrozivá hádka pokračuje
Oheň bosorky nezraňuje

Strigy a bosorky plamene nezrania
čary a kúzla ich pred nimi ochránia
málokedy ľudia bosorku upália
častejšie nevinní životom zaplatia

Z dvanástich bosoriek žiadna neverila
že by upálenie ich pani prežila
veď ony samy ju do pasce vlákali
prekliali plamene, ktoré kat zapálil

Medzi hradby
ďalší blesk udrel zrazu
ako by chcel
dokončiť túto skazu

Plamene však
odrazu zhasínali
bosorky sa
bez slova prizerali

Na mieste kde blesk dopadol, hora sa rozpolila
ako by sa brána pekiel pred nimi otvorila.
Odrazu z nej vyskočila horiaca nahá žena,
zúrivá a nepríčetná, ohňom však nezranená.

Spoznali ju a na smrť sa vydesili
svoje kliatby jedným smerom zamierili

Z hradu sa šíria strašné zvuky
Strigy k oblohe zdvihli ruky
Kliatby po sebe nahlas kričia
Okolo seba všetko ničia
Plamene horu pohltili
všetko živé už zahubili
Hrozivá hádka pokračuje
Oheň bosorky nezraňuje

Strigy a bosorky plamene nezrania,
čary a kúzla ich pred nimi ochránia.
Len všetko živé vždy v okolí poznačia.
Kde sa dvaja bijú, tretieho zmrzačia.

Celý kraj sa topí v obrovskom plameni,
nikde už nezostal kameň na kameni.
Morena sa znáša pomaly na ľudí,
na prekliatu horu zatiaľ nezablúdi.

Witch’s Solo

Lyrics: Lubo Müller
Music: Kani, Mirec,Lubo
Translation: Marián Žáček

of old castle in mountains
Since time immemorial
make people fear

Every night when moon
does not shine
above the castle
dark clouds are gathering

No human has a clue what’s going on in there
During every new moon mountain trembles
Every time when thirteen lightning bolts strike – but with no rain
As it did today - dark souls are meeting again

Only twelve bolts struck tonight
Twelve faces were looking at each other in silence

Twelve hags
Have rendezvoused
By campfire
Fortification was irradiate

The most powerful
of them was missing
Such a thing
does not happen much

None of witches was surprised
They heard their mistress was burnt
She burnt on a pyre for someone betrayed her
Servants of Church have knocked her to her knees

Ladies in black did not mourn too long
For her place a fight has begun

Monstrous noise is spreading for the castle
Hags raised their hands to the sky
They yell curses at each other
destroying everything around them
Flames have devoured the mountain
already slayed all living
Tremendous dispute continues
Fire does not hurt these hags

Fire cannot hurt a witch
Spells and magic preserve them
Rarely mortals burn a witch
Rather innocents pay with their lives

None of twelve hags was to believe
their mistress would survived the pyre
for they alone set the trap
cursed the flames which hangman set

Within the walls
another bolt has stroke
As if it wanted to
complete that destruction

But flames have
suddenly died
Hags have
speechlessly sat by

The mountain has cracked at point where bolt struck
ss if gate of hell has opened
Burning and naked woman has risen from there
furious and insane, but untouched by fire

They got frightened to death as they recognised her
All their curses aimed against her

Monstrous noise is spreading for the castle
Hags raised their hands to the sky
They yell curses at each other
destroying everything around them
Flames have devoured the mountain
already slayed all living
Tremendous dispute continues
Fire does not hurt these hags

Flames cannot hurt hags and witches
Spells and magic preserve them
They just violate all living around them
Where two are fighting, the third is crippled

Whole land drowns in massive flame
Nothing remained as it was
Morena descending down to people
leaving cursed mountain be for the time being

© Down To Hell 2016